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July 01, 2018

Every office has a wishlist and then a must-have list. The thing with a lot of these lists is they’re often lengthy and expensive, and because of that they never get checked off!

So those lists just got condensed into a short list of the needs and want for every startup office once 2019 rolls around.

*Mario voice* Letsa go! 

Four Things Every Startup Wants:

(1) Delicious Coffee

Personally, this would most definitely not be a “want” but a necessity!

But I have heard from others that coffee is not an office need as there are other options such as tea and red bull. Meh… Okay, I get it. Not everyone loves the bean juice.

But having a coffee maker or espresso machine is a great morale & energy booster!

At Hustle & Grind, the dark roast coffee: better known as…The Hustle Blend. Is a dark roast blend that every startup can appreciate. Not only is it delicious but it’s got enough kick to keep you motivated and plugged in for the entire day.

(2) Artwork & Posters That Are Sure To Inspire

Posters are a nice way to primp up your office space, both your team’s main office and home office. It not only looks nice but gets everyone feeling inspired to get the job done and make their next workpiece a diamond.

No one wants to walk into their office feeling discouraged.

So what’s a good solution?

ThePurpose poster is one of the only inspirational posters I own, mainly because I don’t like just words in a print; I like some visual substance to my wall art. This poster not only offers that, it also keeps you inspired to find your purpose and work towards it.

Purpose poster

Grab the posterhere.

Thisposter is a statement in any room and keeps you motivated to make work that matters. Plus it looks pretty sweet hung above a couch or in front of your desk (matte black ftw).

Invest in your dream poster

Grab the posterhere.

Yes, that’s right. One thing that every startup wants in 2019 is an environment that leaves them inspired. While inspirational art isn’t the ONLY way to inspire your team, there’s no question that it can have a positive impact. Here’s a great blog post the Hustle & Grind team wrote a few months back highlightingsome of the best inspirational posters around.  

(3) Comfy Chairs For Rest And A Change Of Scenery

When I say this, I don’t mean desk chairs because those are generally going to be good (I hope). No, I mean a COMFY chair, aka lounger, bean bag, Papasan, futon, sofa, etc.


Well, Google has a bunch (they actually have small playgrounds but that’s not realistic for every company) to give their team a change of scenery and keep spirits up on long days of work. So it only makes sense for us to include this on the wants list.

(4) On-Hand Books / Office Library For Growth

Aesthetically and informationally, libraries are amazing. And you know our motto:

Invest in Knowledge motto

So bring the library to the office!

Take the time to ask the team for recommendations on books that they think everyone should read and then take the time to order them. An informed team is a team that can help you get closer to achieving success. Not sure what books to stock up on?

Here are a5 great entrepreneurship driven books recommended by Nicolas Cole.

So What Do Startups Actually NEED…?

(1) Technology: Computers, Phones, etc…

The most up to date technologies are always a requirement in this day and age at a startup. This goes without saying, but the latest software updates on any device are going to benefit you, and getting the latest computer or phone for your team could also help.

Not only is it a benefit because of the increased productivity…

It’s also a benefit because you can now understand what your customers are seeing and using when they access your site. Use up to date technology to accelerate your startup’s growth and keep your team in the know on what’s happening in the market.

(2) Cameras To Capture The Culture

Cameras to capture the culture is also a major necessity in a startup!

Whether it’s for products, showing off antics in the office, updating your audience about any possible issues, a good camera can go a long way. Most smartphone cameras generally do the trick, especially if your main needs are Instagram Stories and Snapchat, but for photo shoots and more professional level photography and videography, it’s worth investing in a higher-end DSLR and some other basic equipment.

My suggestion? One DSLR (whichever you prefer, I’m currently working with a Canon T6S), one tripod, one external photo light, and if you want a reflective mat of sorts to help bounce light in your favor!

(3) Software For Making Great Visuals

Visual design, whether it’s logos, landing pages, or other graphics, is an essential part to the modern startup. Equipping your team with the tools and software to make visual content is an investment smart startups are making in 2019.

Logoscopic studio is a great phone app to make and design your signature logo with ease. Inkscape is another great option for vector images and great for SVG file formats (which are easy to read and load for more sites).

Adobe products (Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, etc.) are fantastic for people who know the basics of visual design and want to improve.

Wrapping Things Up

There we are, what every startup needs & wants in 2019.

What else is on the list of “Must Own” or “Really Wants” at startups? Are there any tools, devices, beverages or gizmos that we missed? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. And if you want some easy shopping to check out ourshop for hustle-infused gear, swag, and resources!

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